Guide: Video Link
Editing your profile is a simple step that allows you to make changes to the information provided on your profile such as editing your personal profile, editing your business profile or changing your password.
The Personal Profile section consists of the administrator’s personal information, distinct from the company’s profile, such as the administrator’s name, phone number, personal email address (which is the login email) and so on.
Step 1: Log in to your dashboard.
Step 2: From your dashboard page, click on ‘Settings’ located on the left side menu bar.
Step 3: On the Settings page, you can edit the information under ‘Personal Profile’ such as your Full Name, Address, and Phone Number. Click on ‘Save’ when done with the edit.
Please note that the email registered as your personal email cannot be edited as this is your login email.
To have this change done to your profile, kindly contact our support team.
The Business Profile section has all your business information such as your business logo, business name, business address, phone number and so on. Follow these steps below to make changes to your business profile:
Step 1: Log in to your dashboard.
Step 2: On your dashboard page, click on ‘Settings’ located on the left side menu bar.
Step 3: Click on ‘Business Profile’ from the ‘Settings’ page to display the editable information such as Business Logo, Business Name, Business Email, Business Address and Phone Number.
Step 4: Click on ‘Save’ to store your edited information.
Changes can be made to all sections of your Business Profile, unlike your Personal Profile where some changes are restricted.